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Improve Plant Posture with Simple Supports

Keep tall and floppy plants looking their best with a little support.

Use cages and supports to keep individual plants growing in gardens upright and looking good. Proper placement and camouflaging by neighboring plants keeps the overall garden looking good while providing plants with needed support.

Natural twigs can be woven through stems to provide nearly invisible support.

Grow through systems brace individual stems allowing a bit more movement and natural appearance. Make your own with plastic netting. Cut the netting to size and place over the plant as it emerges in spring. The support lifts off the ground as the plant grows allowing the stems to move in tandem while supporting each other.

And try this spiral support when staking is an afterthought. The metal spiral pulls individual stems together keeping them upright.

This decorative obelisk provides an attractive support for a patio tomato. It makes a good looking flavorful addition to any garden.

A bit more information: Get creative and use landscape trimming to create attractive plant supports. It can be as simple as ticking several pliable twigs into the ground and binding them with twine. Plant annual vines like sweet peas, cardinal flower, or canary vine at the base of your homemade obelisk. The vines will quickly climb the twigs softening the look of this rustic support.