Design a Quilt Garden Filled with AAS Winners
Create a unique garden inspired by a nearby botanic garden or arboretum.
Here at Boerner Botanical Gardens they created a patchwork quilt of All-America Selections winning flowers and vegetables. These plants are tested nationally and proven locally to perform well in the backyard gardens and containers.
Just like a fabric quilt – a garden quilt is all about color, texture and patterns. Select a simple pattern of squares and triangles like the pinwheel, goose tracks or log cabin.
Sketch your design on graph paper first. Then use stakes and strings to mark the pattern in the garden.
Select long-blooming annuals or those with colorful foliage to maintain the beauty of your design throughout the growing season.
Repeat color throughout the design to provide unity and balance.
Maintain your design all season long with regular deadheading and a bit of trimming to keep those wayward plants in bound.
A bit more information: Those with limited space can start with a mini quilt garden in a container or a bed of colorful lettuce in the vegetable garden. Visit All-America Selections to find out more about display and trial gardens in your area.
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