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Creating Curb Appeal

The best of our landscapes are often hidden behind our homes for only our family and friends to enjoy. But consider sharing a bit of your green thumb talents with passersby.

These gardeners decided to create a privacy screen right along the curb to make better use of their side yard. And both sides provide year round interest. Contact your local municipality for required setbacks.

They joined forces with their neighbor to create a unified flow. Lawn between the curb and beds provides visual relief and space for snow storage. Plus the scattered beds provide attractive screening and a sound barrier yet maintain a sense of space.

This sun-drenched bed of Tiger Eye Sumac and Sedum Autumn Joy create a nice welcome to family and guests.

Hosta line this shady drive providing a bit of green relief.

A bit more information: Include some bird and butterfly-friendly plants for added interest. Evergreens provide year round screening and shelter for the birds. Berry producing plants are a great food source for wildlife while adding color to the border. And be sure to add a few nectar producing flowers to help bring in the butterflies and hummingbirds.