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Create a Year-Round, Bird-Friendly Garden

Create a bird-friendly landscape and enjoy the year-round color and motion they add to your garden.

Make sure you provide all the essentials food, water and shelter.

Include tubular nectar-filled flowers all season long for the hummingbirds. Start with spring blooming columbine followed by salvia, penstemon and hosta, leading up to bee balm and turtlehead. Add a few annuals like fuchsia, cleome, nicotiana, verbena and petunias. 

Watch the birds feast on the seeds of annuals like millet and sunflowers and youll enjoy their fall and winter visits as they dine on coneflowers, liatris and rudbeckia seeds.

Include berry-producing trees like serviceberries, crabapples, mountain ash and shrubs like roses, elderberry and dogwoods.

Add a few evergreens for shelter and water for bathing and sipping.

Consider adding a few feeders to increase the diversity of winged visitors to your garden.

A bit more information: Don't overlook the value of plants that provide nesting material. Leave twigs, dry grass and straw (free of pesticides), moss, evergreen needles, and dried leaves in the landscape for the birds. Share a few household items like string and strands of yarn for them to use when building their nests.

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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter

Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI


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Fall-Planted Daffodil, Tulip and Muscari Bulbs
from Longfield Gardens