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Beauty at Your Feet, Ground Covers for Various Landscape Situations

Add a bit of texture, color, and seasonal interest to your landscape with the help of groundcovers.

Use them to help make the transition from grass to taller plants in flowerbeds. Perennial geraniums add flowers, interesting foliage and fall color to the edge of a garden.

Perennial verbena spills onto the walkway helping to anchor, blend and soften walkways, rock edges and retaining walls. This sun lover blooms all season long, attracts butterflies and adds a bit of fragrance.

Use sedums or lamb's ear for hot dry locations. Sedums wide variety of foliage and flowers and the gray green leaves of lambs ear add interest to any bed.

Hosta and other shade tolerant groundcover are the perfect solution for areas where grass wont grow. Add some deer resistant lungwort and Lamium for colorful bloom and variegated foliage that brightens the shade throughout the season. And don't be afraid to pop in a few annuals for a little extra color.

A bit more information: Some groundcovers will even tolerate light foot traffic. Consider Scotch or Irish moss. These low growers tolerate full sun to part shade and are hardy in zones 4 to 10. Blue star creeper (Isotoma fluviatilis), hardy in zones 6 to 9, is covered with light blue flowers most of the growing season. Mazus grows in full sun but will tolerate dry shade. Hardy in zones 5 to 8 this low growing beauty is covered with purple-blue flowers in spring and bright green leaves all season long.