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Strawberries for Any Landscape

Anyone can grow fresh strawberries for their cereal in the morning or to enjoy with a glass of wine at night. 

Consider using strawberries as a groundcover in sunny locations.  Their leaves, flowers, and fruit add seasonal interest to the landscape and fresh fruit to your meals. 

Select disease resistant varieties suited to your climate and your gardening habits.  June or spring bearing varieties produce one crop of strawberries and lots of runners.

Ever bearing strawberries produce several crops throughout the growing season, but no runners.  Day-neutral varieties produce a few runners while providing a continual harvest.

A hanging basket or container of day-neutral or everbearing strawberries is perfect for balcony or small space gardeners.  Mix in a few flowers for continuous color.

And eating fresh-from the garden strawberries increases their health benefits.  Their high Vitamin C and antioxidant levels decrease rapidly after just two days in storage.

A bit more information:  Go vertical by growing strawberries in wall planters, planting bags, and strawberry pots.  And keep all the plants, from top to bottom, looking their best with this watering device.  Insert a piece of perforated PCV pipe or cylinder of sphagnum filled chicken wire in the center of the planter.  Fill this device with water as you water the planter.  The water moves from the pipe to the surrounding soil, ensuring all plants, including those at the bottom, receive sufficient water.