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Sage, a Holiday Herbal Favorite

When you contemplate a winter holiday meal, stuffing seasoned with sage may be on the menu.  This herb has long been used for culinary and medicinal purposes. 

For centuries, people believed and modern evidence suggests sage has antibiotic, antifungal, astringent and other benefits.  In fact, the botanical name, Salvia, comes from Latin and means “to save” referring to its medicinal properties.

Grow sage in full sun and well drained soil for best results.  It is a hardy perennial in zones 5 to 10 and can be grown in containers, edible and herb gardens or added to flower beds for its texture, color and edibility.

And when extreme heat or cold drives you indoors, consider growing Dwarf sage (Salvia officinalis ‘Compacta’). The smaller leaves and more compact plant make this a great addition to small spaces, containers and indoors in a windowsill herb garden. 

A bit more information:  Add a bit of additional beauty and interest with the colorful leaves of purple and tricolor sage.  The large leaves and compact habit of Biergarten sage makes a nice foil for annual and perennial flowers.