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Windowsill Herb Garden

Add fresh-from-the-garden-flavor to your meals year round.  Grow a windowsill herb garden.

All you need for this garden is a container with drainage holes, a saucer or shallow tray to capture excess water and protect your woodwork, a well-drained potting mix and some herb seeds or plants.

Purchase plants or seeds from your garden center, favorite garden catalog or grocery store.  Or find a fellow gardener willing to let you take cuttings or divisions of their plants. 

Select a variety of herbs you and your family enjoy and use for cooking, decoration or fragrance. Now, fill the container with a well-drained potting mix.

You can grow single plants in individual containers or mix them up to create an attractive display. Tall plants like basil and chives make nice vertical accents.  Tri-color and golden sage add color to the mix.  Curley parsley is a favorite that adds texture to your garden and vitamin C to your diet. 

Try adding a few trailing plants like fragrant rosemary or variegated marjoram. 

A bit more information:  Place your herb garden in a sunny window or under artificial lights.  Water thoroughly and whenever the top few inches of soil are just slightly moist.  Harvest herbs as needed.  Use a sharp pair of garden scissors or hand pruners.  Make cuts above a set of healthy leaves so the remaining plant is neater and tidier in appearance. Now enjoy the harvest.