Plant a Row for the Hungry in Your Community
Gardeners are some of the most generous people I know. They love to share their ideas, passion for gardening and of course produce. So when you are overwhelmed with tomatoes, peppers, greens and zucchini, contact a nearby food pantry or meal program that can get these vegetables to people in need.
You may be surprised to discover there are hungry people in all our communities. Many are children and seniors who greatly need the nutrition that fresh produce provides.
Consider making a difference in their lives by planting a few extra tomatoes, row of greens or zucchini plants so you have plenty to donate. It is a great way to justify buying more seeds and plants as well as convincing your family that you need a larger garden.
Contact your local food pantry and visit resource page on Share the Harvest for more ways you can share your produce.
A bit more information: Garden Writers Association and Garden Writers Foundation launched the Plant a Row for the Hungry program in 1995. Since then, gardeners have donated over 20 million pounds of produce. To join the effort, visit the Plant a Row for the Hungry website or call 1-877-492-2727.
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Sept. 21, 2024
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