Heat Tolerant Greens
As summer temperatures rise our lettuce, spinach and other greens tend to fade from our gardens. Take heart, there are a few greens suited to the summer garden.
Black seeded Simpson, oakleaf blend and red sails are a few leaf-lettuce cultivars that stand up to the summer heat.
Malabar climbing spinach, although not a true spinach, has a buttery, nutty spinach-like flavor. Use it fresh, as a wrap for sandwiches or in stir fries.
New Zealand spinach is another plant that shares the common name and flavor but is not a true spinach. Eat the small leaves raw or cooked.
Many of the mustards like Red Giant and Florida Broadleaf will tolerate summer heat, while adding a bit of zip to your meals. Or try the mild flavored All-America Selections winner, Red Kingdom Mizuna. Use mustard greens pickled, raw, wilted or in salads.
A bit more information: Swiss chard, kale and orach are a few more heat tolerant greens. Orach prefers cooler temperatures but does not go to seed as quickly as spinach. Harvest young leaves for the best spinach-like flavor.
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