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Grow Your Own Chocolate – Chocolate Mint, That Is!

Add some chocolate to your diet and garden without adding all those calories.

Chocolate mint is an easy to grow plant with a strong minty fragrance and flavor topped off with a hint of chocolate. It makes the perfect garnish for desserts and as an ingredient in tea, ice cream, mojitos and anything chocolate.

Like most mints this is an aggressive plant. Grow it in a pot on your patio, deck or porch to keep it accessible and contained. Place your pot of mint in full sun or partial shade. It prefers cool moist soils, but as most gardeners have discovered, it tolerates a variety of conditions.

Harvest leaves and sprigs of your chocolate mint as needed throughout the season.  Don’t be timid - the more you harvest the more new stems and leaves will be produced. This fresh new growth has the best flavor.

Store sprigs of fresh mint in a glass of water or dry and wrap in plastic in the refrigerator.

A bit more information: Make larger harvests for drying and freezing just as the flowers begin to appear. You’ll get the greatest concentration of flavor. Larger harvests will not weaken the plant. Watch for fresh new growth and continue to harvest as needed.