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Gather Ideas and Fresh Produce from the Farmers Market

Didn’t get that garden planted this year?  Or maybe you didn’t plant enough for your familly's needs.  Don’t worry, you can still have fresh from the garden flavor and be kind to the environment.

Support local agriculture, reduce energy consumption, save money, and improve your diet by shopping at your local farmer’s market. Did you know that much of the food we consume travels 1,300 miles before reaching our tables? And most, about 90%, of the fossil fuel used in the world’s food system is used for packaging, transportation, and marketing.

This is also a good place to start planning for next year’s garden.  Check out new varieties and different fruits and vegetables.  Purchase a few and give them a try.

So pack up your reusable bags and head out to your local farmer’s market. You will be amazed at the flavor and value found in locally grown fruits and vegetables.

A bit more information:  And continue visiting your local markets once the peak of harvest season has passed.  Many markets are open year round, supplying customers with fresh greens, locally raised meats, and products like jellies, cider, and soups made from locally grown produce.