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Herbal Wreath

Dry and store your garden herbs as a decorative wreath hung in your kitchen for convenient access. 

Use a wire frame, straw or twig wreath as a base.

Harvest fresh herbs from the garden or purchase from your local farmers market. Use a mix of your favorite fragrant and culinary herbs.

Gather herbs into bundles and cut stems to 6 to 8 inches long. Remove any yellow or damaged leaves. Use stiffer stemmed herbs like Rosemary and lavender on the bottom of the bundles to support softer stemmed herbs like mint and stevia.

Remove the lower leaves and wrap the stems together with florist wire. Then secure the bundle to the frame using florist wire or metal pins. Overlap bundles to cover the cut ends and wire.

Set the wreath on a piece of cardboard in a warm dry place to dry for several days. Then hang in a place where you can enjoy the fragrance, beauty and flavor.

A bit more information: Start with a small swag or mini wreath if you have limited herbs or a larger wreath project seems overwhelming. These can be hung from a door knob or used to decorate a gift.