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Celebrate National Apple Month

Celebrate National Apple Month with a trip to the farmers market or nearby orchard to purchase or pick-your-own favorite apples. 

Apples are a healthy choice. One apple provides up to 20% of the daily recommended fiber, 14% vitamin C, they’re high in antioxidants, contain no fat and are less than 100 calories.

Pick a few to eat fresh, cook with meat, sauces and stuffing and of course a few more for baking into your favorite apple dessert.

Be sure to store unwashed apples in the refrigerator to maintain their crispy texture. Wash just prior to eating and baking.

Buy your favorites and try a few of the newer introductions. Honeycrisp is relatively new on the market. Known as an excellent snacking apple, many cooks are finding it is also a great apple for baking.

Pink Lady is an all-purpose apple that can be eaten fresh or used for cooking, baking, and making apple butter.

A bit more information: Have a bit of fun and save a few apples to make applehead dolls and Halloween monsters. Listen to Scary Apple Heads for Halloween by clicking here for instructions on making your own.