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2016 Urban Tree of the Year Zelkova Musashino

Looking for a tree to fill a narrow space in the landscape or provide needed screening? Consider the 2016 Urban Tree of the Year, Musashino zelkova.

For the past 20 years the Society of Municipal Arborists has selected an urban tolerant ornamentally outstanding tree each year. 

Musashino Zelkova was selected for its narrow upright growth habit, urban tolerance, hardiness and fall color.  Zelkovas are hardy in zones 5 to 9 and valued for their attractive foliage and interesting bark. This cultivar is also one of the hardiest.  Plantings in Michigan suffered no dieback after two consecutive winters with minus 20 degree temperatures. 

Plant several together for screening or line a walk or drive to form an allée.

And in fall watch the dark green leaves turn bronze, yellow or rusty red before dropping.

A bit more information: The Musashino Zelkova can grow up to 45 feet tall and 15 feet wide.