Convert Mailbox into an In-garden Tool Storage
Decrease wasted time and increase your gardening efficiency by keeping your tools and gloves handy whenever gardening.
I always keep a pair of gloves, pruners and a weed knife by each entrance to my house. That way I can grab the needed tools, gloves and do a bit of weeding whenever I have a few minutes or more to work. These short bursts of intensive maintenance quickly make a big impact on your garden’s appearance.
For those with larger landscapes consider converting old newspaper or mailboxes into small-scale garden storage. Place these discards right in the garden and fill with commonly used hand tools and a pair of gloves. This small addition will eliminate many unplanned trips and wasted time trekking back to the garden shed for a forgotten trowel, weeder, or pruner.
And dress them up with a little paint to make it both attractive and functional.
A bit more information: Look for further ways to maximize your gardening efforts and increase your enjoyment. Pull non-flowering annual weeds and tuck them under your shrubs out of sight. They act as a mulch and eventually decompose, improving the soil. And leave grass clippings on the lawn. Short clippings break down quickly, adding organic matter, nutrients and moisture to the soil.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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