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Eco-friendly Perennial Garden Weed Control

So it seems your perennial garden is filled with more weeds than flowers.  Now is a great time to reclaim your garden by getting the weeds under control. 

Ground ivy, bindweed, and quackgrass are a few perennial weeds that can quickly take over your garden.  Continually pulling or cutting the weeds off at ground level may eventually kill the weeds.  But you need to be more persistent than them.

You may want to try one of the eco-friendly weed and grass killers that use soaps, vinegar, and other organic products to burn off the tops of plants.  Repeat applications are needed. 

And be careful to protect your perennials as these products can harm them as well.  Remove the top and bottom of a milk jug.  Cover the weed with the plastic jug.  Spray the weeds inside the milk jug with the vegetation killer.  Then allow it to drip dry before removing the milk jug.

A bit more information:  Badly infested gardens may require a more aggressive approach.  Dig and pot up the perennials you want to save.  Be sure to remove any weed roots that may have invaded your perennials.  Water as needed until the garden is ready to replant.