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Join the FeederWatch Project and Make a Difference

Bird watching and gardening go hand in hand.  Many of our favorite garden plants provide food and shelter for our feathered friends. In return they brighten our landscapes with their beautiful colors and entertaining habits.

Take your love of birds one step further by being a part of Project FeederWatch.  The project runs from November to April, but you can count the birds that visit your feeders, birdbaths, or landscape plants for just a couple of days. You choose the days and duration.

The data you and others from throughout the US and Canada collect, helps provide scientists insight into winter bird distribution and abundance. They are not just looking for the rare birds but also the more common regular visitors to your backyard.

Visit feederwatch.org for more information on this project, bird identification and bird feeding tips. 

A bit more information:  And don’t worry if you don’t have feeders. You can report the birds that visit your birdbath, shelter in your evergreens, or dine on seeds and berries in the garden.