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Starting Cannas Indoors or Directly in the Garden

Grow some bold beautiful cannas in this year’s garden and containers. The attractive foliage and bright flowers are sure to attract the attention of passersby and the hummingbirds.

Canna lilies are hardy in zones 7 to 10 and grown as annuals in other regions. Start canna rhizomes indoors for earlier bloom in the garden. Plant them in a pot about a month before the last spring frost.  Lay the rhizome on its side and cover with soil. Move the pot to a warm sunny spot indoors to sprout and grow.

Wait until the danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed to 65 degrees to plant the transplants or canna rhizomes directly in the garden. Dig a hole about 3 to 4 inches deep. Set the rhizome in the hole with the growing point facing up. Cover with soil and water as needed.

Grow cannas in full sun or partial shade and water thoroughly whenever the top few inches of soil are crumbly and moist.

A bit more information: Add a few cannas to the garden or containers and combine them with other sun-loving colorful annuals and vines. The large leaves of green, bronze or combination of colors provides beauty throughout the season and the colorful flowers add to its appeal.