Grow a Pollinator Friendly Garden
Give nature and your garden a helping hand this season by creating a pollinator-friendly landscape.
Honeybees, native bees, beetles, flies and hummingbirds are just a few of the pollinators we depend upon for much of our food, medicine and next year’s plants for the garden.
Grow a variety of plants with various shapes, colors and bloom times. You’ll enjoy the season-long floral display and so will the pollinators.
Use native plants suited to the growing conditions whenever possible. You’ll attract more pollinators and provide food for many of their offspring.
Allow perennials to stand for the winter. They provide food for birds and winter homes for many of our beneficial insects.
Leave bare spots for ground bees and a layer of fallen leaves that also provide shelter for many pollinators.
And skip the pesticides that can harm the pollinators that you are trying to attract.
A bit more information: Include a few spring-flowering bulbs in your garden plan. Pollinators will appreciate the early nectar and you will enjoy the added color in your spring garden.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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