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Attracting Birds to Your Feeder

You did everything right, bought the best bird seed, included a variety of feeders and it’s been a few days and no birds have stopped by to dine. Be patient and try these few tips to help lead the birds to your feeding station.

Help the birds find this new source of food by sprinkling some seed on the ground near the feeders.  If birds dine on the scattered seed, but still don’t visit the feeders, keep leading them closer with additional sprinkles of seed.

Next evaluate your choice of locations. If the site is too windy, wet or otherwise exposed, you will need to move your feeders to a more sheltered location.  Add a source of water. This helps attract a wide variety of birds. Those in colder climates will need to add a bubbler, heater or aerator to prevent the water from freezing. As always, it is important to keep your birdbath clean.

A bit more information: For help planning a bird-friendly landscape visit All About Birds Yard Map. It is filled with planting and design tips and introduces you to a community of others interested in supporting birds and wildlife in their gardens.