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DIY Garden Hose Guides

Protect your plants from damage when dragging hoses across the lawn or patio as you water various garden beds and containers.

Purchase functional and decorative hose guides to prevent damage to plants growing along the edge or at the corner of gardens.  Your investment will pay off by saving time while protecting plants each time you water.

Make your own hose guides from colorful wine bottles inverted over a section of rebar anchored in the ground. Or mount old decorative doorknobs onto a sturdy stake to sink into the ground.

Convert an old curtain rod with decorative finial, broken golf club or leaky watering wand into a hose guide.  These are all great ways to repurpose items and preserve a few memories in the garden.

Or set a container at the corner of the bed. It’s a great way to add color, vertical interest and prevent damage.

A bit more information:  Reduce the need to drag long stretches of hose across gardens by stashing shorter lengths in decorative pots or hose reels throughout the landscape. Use quick connects to make attaching and detaching the segments easy.