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Try Something New for National Poinsettia Day

Celebrate National Poinsettia Day, December 12th, with one of the new or unique poinsettia varieties.

Whitestar has clear white bracts, these are the colorful leaves often called flowers.  They are often painted blue, maroon or other colors for added appeal.

Or how about trying Cinnamon Star with its unique cinnamon colored bracts? Or add a bit of rich elegance to your home with the wine colored bracts of Burgundy poinsettia.

Try one of the varieties with variegated bracts. Picasso and Monet varieties have subtle color patterns. Glitter red has red bracts with streaks of bright cream. For a more subtle look try one of the Punch series. Ice punch has red bracts with pink highlights and Sparkling punch has pink bracts with pinkish-cream variegation.

Winter rose has short curled bracts, creating an interesting look similar to an open rose.

A bit more information:  Is it pronounced Poinsett-a or Poinsett-e-a? It is more commonly pronounced Poinsetta and according to MacMillan Dictionary this is the correct American pronunciation.  But many other dictionary sources pronounce the end as e-a.