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Reduce Stress - Visit a Conservatory

The holidays are a wonderful time for family, friends and neighbors to gather, feast and exchange gifts. It can also be a stressful time overfilled with festivities. So take a break and visit a nearby conservatory this winter.

Research has shown, and gardeners know, that plants and gardening are good for the mind, body and spirit. Just being surrounded by greenery can lower your blood pressure and elevate your mood.

Conservatories are glass buildings that were constructed in colder climates to overwinter citrus and other tender or rare plants. You often can find birds and occasionally small animals along with plants in these heated glass buildings.

But conservatories are not just glass houses filled with pretty plants. They serve as a space for relaxation, a site to conserve endangered species and educate the public about the environment.

A bit more information: Conservatories originated in the 16th century, but experienced great growth and increased popularity during the late 19th century. If there isn’t a conservatory in your neighborhood, plan a visit to your local florist or garden center.

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