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Post Christmas – Post Holiday Care for Your Poinsettia

Fading poinsettias are often a lingering and not-so-pretty memory of the holidays.  It’s ok to give them a second life in the compost pile and eventually your garden as a soil amendment.  But if you want to keep them growing and looking good - it’s easier than you think. 

Remove the poinsettia from its foil wrapper, if you haven’t done so.  Set it on a saucer or tray filled with pebbles.

Move your poinsettia to a bright location free of hot and cold drafts.  Water thoroughly and whenever the top few inches of soil are slightly moist.  Allow the excess water to collect in the pebbles below the pot.  As it evaporates it increases the humidity around your plant.

Fertilize your poinsettia with a dilute solution of flowering houseplant food.

Pinch out the growing tip to encourage branching and fuller growth.  Then mark October 1st on your calendar if you want to try to rebloom it for next Christmas.

A bit more information: Get your poinsettia to bloom for next Christmas by changing its environment.  Starting October 1st give your poinsettia 14 hours of total darkness each night.  Cooler night temperatures and slightly drier soil will increase your chance of success.  For more details, listen here.