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Miniature Poinsettias

Looking for a unique party favor or gift for a teacher or friend?  Consider a miniature poinsettia

These small versions of the popular Christmas plant can be planted alone or mixed with foliage plants.

Set the mini poinsettia in your favorite ceramic container or a self-watering pot available at many garden centers and florists.   Add the guest’s name and use these as a place card and party favor.

Or place a few throughout your home to brighten up those small and out of the way spaces.

Or add one to an existing or new indoor garden.  Just sink the pot in the larger planter or decorative basket for a seasonal change.

Like full-sized poinsettias these miniatures prefer cool, draft-free, bright locations to extend their colorful display.  Water thoroughly and often enough to keep the soil slightly moist.  And always pour off excess water that collects in the saucer or decorative container.

A bit more information: December 12th is National Poinsettia Day in the United States.  This is the date Joel Roberts Poinsett, the plant’s namesake died.  Poinsett was an ambassador to Mexico where he observed the plants and then introduced them to the United States. This holiday honors Paul Ecke Jr., considered to be the father of the Poinsettia industry.  He developed growing methods that allowed the Poinsettia industry to flourish. So give or buy yourself a poinsettia and celebrate the day.