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Growing Parlor Palms Chamaedorea elegans Indoors

A traditional favorite, the parlor palm was a mainstay in Victorian parlors and remains a popular indoor plant today.

This easy care, slow growing palm can be used in a variety of ways. Smaller plants are perfect for terrariums, dish gardens, and indoor fairy gardens. Larger specimens make nice tabletop and floor plants. It’s non-toxic to cats and dogs and helps improve indoor air quality.

This palm tolerates low light. Place it near a north window or a few feet back from an east- or west-facing window.  Water thoroughly when the top few inches of soil are starting to dry.

This adaptable plant prefers a humid environment but will tolerate most home conditions. Increase the humidity by placing it with other plants or setting it on a gravel tray. Keep water in the saucer and the pot elevated above the water on the gravel.

A bit more information:  Parlor palms are slow growing and eventually reach 4 feet in height.  They prefer to be potbound. Move the plants to the next size pot when the roots fill the existing container.