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Grow Fiber Optic Grass Indoors (Isolepis cernua, Scirpus cernuus)

You may have planted it in your outdoor containers, but have you tried growing fiber optic grass indoors?

This grass-like plant is native to wet places, growing next to water or seaside in sandy or peaty soils. The long triangular leaves droop over the edge of the pot. Grow it in a hanging basket or tall container to best display its graceful habit.

Its common name was inspired by the small white flowers that develop on the tips of the stems reminiscent of fiber optic lamps.

Grow it in a sunny window and be sure to give it plenty of water or set the pot in a container of water.

Placing it among your other indoor plants will help boost the humidity – something this plant needs.

If the center turns yellow, divide the plant in half and remove the yellow center before replanting.

A bit more information:  Fiber optic grass resembles a mop of hair and is often used in head type containers for this purpose. This growth habit also inspired the common name Mrs. Heiberg’s hair in Denmark. Not sure if she finds this a compliment or an insult.