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Add a Small Scale Evergreen, Lemon Cypress, this Holiday Season

Add a small scale living evergreen to your holiday celebrations.  The Lemon Cypress makes a great alternative to larger Christmas trees, especially when space is limited. Or use them to decorate your home, as a centerpiece for the holiday table or gift for a friend.

The fragrant chartreuse foliage of this dwarf evergreen can help brighten your winter décor. You can find them as topiaries or in their more natural form.

Grow them in a sunny window and turn the plants occasionally to insure all parts receive equal sunlight and grow evenly. You’ll have the best results if you keep your plant in a cool location free of cold and hot air drafts. 

Water your mini holiday tree whenever the top few inches of soil are dry. The warmer your house the more often you’ll need to water.

Wait until spring when plants begin to actively grow and need a nutrient boost before applying fertilizer.

A bit more information: Avoid overwatering and do not allow your plants to sit in excess water that collects in the saucer that can lead to root rot. Reduce maintenance by placing pebbles in the saucer to elevate the plants above any excess water.