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Apples – National Apple Month – Scary Apple Heads for Halloween

Celebrate National Apple Month and prepare for Halloween by creating a few scary apple heads. 

This native American tradition was picked up by the settlers and is now a part of American folkart.  All you need are a couple apples, ½ cup lemon juice, 2 Tablespoons salt, a bowl of water, pencil, and knife.

Mix salt and lemon juice in bowl of water and set aside. 

Peel the apple and core if you want to place it on a stick or prefer a long droopy face.  Draw the outline of the face then carve the features into the apple. 

Soak the carved apple in the bowl of salty lemon water for about 10 minutes. Set on cooling rack or hang the apples in a warm dry place to dry.  Apples are ready when spongy or leathery to the touch.

Insert beads for eyes and rice for teeth if desired.  Hang or place your shrunken head on a stick for Halloween.

A bit more information: Try some new apples this fall.  Visit a local Pick-Your-Own orchard or farmers market for a taste of old and new varieties.  Be sure to ask which ones are best for eating fresh, baking and using for sauce and juicing.