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Trailing/Spreading Pansies

Add some instant color to your fall garden with pansies.

Pansies are cheery plants that add color to the winter gardens in the south and spring and fall gardens in the north.  Two relatively new introductions will allow you to cover more ground when planting this fall.

Cool wave pansies, introduced by Ball Horticulture, are a trailing pansy that can be used in the garden or a hanging basket.  You’ll need half the plants to cover the same garden space.  I planted mine in October last year and had great results.  They even weathered the first two months of our extremely hot summer. 

Try a basket full of white cool wave pansies, add some sunglasses and you have a ghost for Halloween

WonderFall is Syngenta’s spreading pansy.  Its large flowers come in shades of blue, lavender, purple and rose. 

Pick up a few to include when planting your bulbs or other fall favorites.

A bit more information:  And check out some of the past All-America Selections (AAS) award winning pansies.  Ultima Morpho was the 2002 winner selected for its distinct blue and yellow flower design.  Majestic Giants selected in 1966 can still be found.   Generations of gardeners have planted this large flowered traditional faced pansy.