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Hosta of the Year for Your Garden

Don’t let tradition and the overabundance of the common hosta keep you from adding this charming durable perennial to your landscape. 

A look through the catalogues or on the internet will reveal a plethora of hostas.  They range in size from the small 3 to 4 inch varieties like Mouse ears to the large 3 to 4 feet tall Blue Angel. 

Consider adding one of the Hostas of the Year.  These were selected by hosta growers to help you narrow down the search.  Winners are proven performers that offer unique and colorful foliage. These are good selections for both the beginner and experienced hosta grower.

Praying Hands is the 2011 winner.  The unique form is sure to get visitors attention.  The narrow leaves are tightly folded and resemble praying hands.  The dark green leaves are rippled and have a very narrow gold edge.  Then in late summer the unique foliage is topped with lavender flowers.

A bit more information:  These and other hosta flowers are great for attracting hummingbirds.  Allow a few or all of the flowers go to seed to attract juncos into the fall and winter garden.  Add to the garden appeal by combining hostas with other shade plants like Canadian and European ginger, astilbe, coral bells and ferns.