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Growing Native Perennial Western Sunflower

When you picture a sunflower you probably envision a tall plant with large yellow and brown flowers. But there are many native perennial sunflowers, including the Western Sunflower, that make excellent additions to the landscape.

The western sunflower is one of the shortest North American native sunflowers, making it suitable for small and large yards.  Hardy in zones 3 to 9, it grows 2 to 3 feet tall and flowers in midsummer to fall.

You and the butterflies will enjoy the cheery orange-yellow daisy-like blossoms and the birds that visit to dine on the seeds. The flowers appear on nearly leafless stems, inspiring the other common names naked stemmed sunflower and fewleaf sunflower.

Grow Western Sunflower in full sun and medium to dry soil. It makes a great cut flower, is drought and clay soil tolerant and deer tend to leave it be.

A bit more information: This plant spreads by seeds and rhizomes. Avoid overly moist soil and excess fertilization that facilitates rapid spread.