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2020 AAS Winning Coleus and Nasturtium

Make room for a few of the 2020 All America Selections winning flowers in this year’s garden and containers.

Two annuals were selected as national winners for their outstanding performance in trial gardens across the US and Canada. Main Street Beale Street coleus is the first coleus to be named an All-America Selections winner. Its deep red foliage doesn’t fade, bleach or spot whether grown in full sun or shade. Plus, it doesn’t flower until very late in the season eliminating the need for regular deadheading and pinching.

Bring in the butterflies and hummingbirds with the other winner Tip Top Rose nasturtium. This compact 14 x 18” mounded plant is more floriferous than other nasturtiums on the market.  The showy rose-colored flowers don’t fade as they age. Enjoy the edible leaves and flowers in salads.

A bit more information: The leaves and flowers of nasturtium have a tangy flavor.  Make sure the plants have not been sprayed with pesticides before adding them to your salads, desserts or stuffing the blossoms with cream cheese.