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Rose Cutting

Can you tell me how to root a rosebush cutting? I've tried, but always end up with a dried-up stick rather than flourishing roses. 

Timing is everything. Take cuttings as the first set of bloom starts to fade.  Make a 4 to 6 inch long cutting, removing the flower and lower leaves.  Dip the cut end in a rooting hormone, available at most garden centers, to encourage roots and discourage rot.  Place the cutting in moist sand, vermiculite or well-drained potting mix.  Loosely cover with a plastic bag and place in a warm location away from direct light.  The cutting should root in several weeks and can then be moved into a container filled with a well-drained potting mix.  Move it to a sunny location, water as needed, and wait to fertilize.  Use a dilute solution of any flowering plant fertilizer after new growth appears.  You may want to grow the young plant in the container for a season or two.  Sink the pot in a protected vacant area of the garden for the winter if you live in a cold region.  


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