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Pruning Tools

I am a new gardener and need to invest in some pruning tools. What are the best types to buy?

Match the pruning tool to the job that needs to be completed. Every gardener should have a bypass pruners. These are great for deadheading and pruning woody stems up to ¾ of an inch. Look for ones with replaceable blades.

Consider purchasing a small pruning saw. These are great for small trees and shrubs. Though I am a certified arborist I save big tree work for my colleagues that climb, they have the equipment and training to do the job safely. But small trees and shrubs and don’t forget those roses always need attention a small saw can handle. Foldable pruning saws have short blades to reach into tight places. The blade tucks into the handle for safe keeping and to reduce storage space.

Loppers extend your reach when pruning small trees, shrubs and roses. Avoid anvil type pruners that smash stems instead of making a clean cut, like bypass pruners, that closes quickly.


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