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Preparing the Soil for Blueberry Plants

I live in southeast Wisconsin and want to plant blueberries this coming spring. I know the pH has to be a certain level, but can you let me know what else would be needed to prepare the soil. Also, what kinds of plants work best?

Blueberries are a bit challenging but when done right the plants are a beautiful addition to the landscape and the fresh from the garden fruit can't be beat. Start by amending the soil in the planting bed. Blueberries need moist but well draining soil. Add 4 inches of peat moss to the top 12 inches of soil. This will improve drainage and help a bit with moderating the pH. These plants like acid soils, unlike those found in southeast Wisconsin. Organic mulches and use of acidifying fertilizers like, ammonium sulfate, when fertilizer is needed will also help. Select hardy blueberries such as Northcountry, St Cloud and Friendship. These are all hardy to this area and self fruitful, meaning you only need one plant to have fruit. Water new plants often enough to keep the soil moist. Winter protection will help get the plants through our often harsh winters.


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