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Potted Star Gazer Lily

I received a potted Star Gazer lily plant as an Easter gift. I would like to plant it in my garden.  When and how should I plant it? Is there a chance it could grow again this coming season and flower this summer?

Keep your lily plant growing indoors like your other houseplants.  Place the plants in a sunny window and water as needed.   Remove the faded flowers but leave the green stem and leaves intact to replenish energy stores in the bulb.  Fertilize with a dilute solution of flowering plant fertilizer.  Plant your Star Gazer lily outdoors once the soil has warmed and danger of frost has passed.   Plant the bulb 6 inches deep in a location with full sun and well drained soil.  Position in the garden so it’s 3 to 5 feet height can be appreciated.  Lilies like other hardy bulbs need cold temperatures to initiate bloom.  So you usually need to be patient and wait until next summer for more colorful lily blooms.  Though some gardeners have told me their bulbs bloomed again that first summer.


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