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Moving Plants Outdoors

When is it safe to move my houseplants outdoors? Last year the leaves turned white and some of the stems died back. How can I prevent this from happening this year?

Wait until the danger of frost has passed and reliably warm temperatures, day and night, settle in. I usually wait until late May just to be sure. Then gradually introduce your plants to the outdoor conditions. Set the plants in a shady location. Then each day increase the time the plants receive direct sunlight until it matches their permanent location. This will eliminate the white leaves caused by sunburn. Check soil moisture daily and adjust your watering schedule to match the plants’ needs. I usually grow my plants in partial shade. This makes the transition between indoors and out, both spring and fall, easier for me and the plants. And consider adding a few new plants to your collection. Colorful Rex begonias, hibiscus, bananas, ferns, ivies and other tropicals combine nicely with flowering plants in containers and your garden.


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