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Hibiscus with Aphids

How can we get rid of an aphid infestation on our hibiscus plant we brought in for the winter? The plant is blooming beautifully, however each bud is covered with aphids. One thing to keep in mind is the treatment must be safe for our 5 young children.   

Sounds like your hibiscus is beautiful - just a few unwanted passengers made their way indoors on your plants.  If you have any stray ladybugs in the house - put them to work.  Move them on the hibiscus and let them take care of the problem.  No ladybugs? Then start by giving the plant a shower. This will knock many of the aphids off the plant. Place the pot in a garbage bag and seal it around the trunk.  This prevents soil from washing down the drain.  Then spray the plant with insecticidal soap or Neem.  Spray both the upper and lower leaf surfaces and flower buds.  You will need several applications.  Many gardeners place the plant on a plastic tarp so they can spray it in place.  Keep watching for the aphids and treat as needed.  Insecticidal soap is a soap that is effective at killing insects but safe for most plants, pets, and people.  Neem is a plant derived insecticide that is also safe.  And as always be sure to read and follow label directions carefully. 


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