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What to Do with Tropical Hibiscus in Fall

My husband bought a hibiscus bush for me for Mother's Day from a local garden center. It is doing so well and the flowers are beautiful. Is it necessary to bring it into the house in the fall? It is rather large and would take up a lot of space.

The tropical hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) does need to move indoors for winter in all but zones 9 and warmer. You can treat it like a houseplant and grow it in a sunny window indoors for winter. Many of the leaves will yellow and drop as the plant adjusts t the indoor growing conditions, but most gardeners are rewarded with beautiful flowers. The colorful blooms make a nice addition to our long winters. I have had luck keeping my tropical hibiscus in a sunny basement window. The cooler temperatures help them better tolerate the lower light and less frequent watering. If space is an issue, see if a friend with a sunny window in their home or office would be willing to house the plant for you over the winter. The hardy hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus or H. moscheutos) are usually not available for a month or more after Mother’s Day. These plants produce dinner plate size flowers in summer and die back to the ground each winter. These can stay outside for winter (hardy to zone 4).


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