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Growing Hardy Hibiscus from Seed

I have a deep pink hardy hibiscus. When the flowers fade, a brown seed pod forms with many seeds in it. How do I propagate new plants from these seeds?

Collect seed as the pods brown and begin to split open. Some gardens have had success planting the seeds immediately in the garden. Most gardeners report greater success when starting the seeds in spring. Collect and store the seeds in a cool dark place such as an opaque airtight jar in the refrigerator, until you are ready to plant. You can plant the seeds directly outdoors in the garden in spring. Wait until the danger of frost has passed. Or start the seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before transplanting outside for an earlier start to the growing season. Soak the seeds overnight or lightly nick the hard outer covering (seed coat) before planting. Plant the seeds in a warm (70 degree), moist and sterile seed starting mix. Harden off and move transplants into the garden after the danger of frost has passed. Then wait to see what colorful surprise may develop since the offspring of hybrid plants do not always come true from seed.


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