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Growing Blueberries

I am hoping that you could recommend a blueberry plant variety or two for my mom’s garden.  She is very partial to "sweet" flavors.  I have heard of blueberry varieties such as Bluecrop, Elliott and Duke, but nothing about their "sweetness" or "taste".  Can you possibly help me by making a recommendation?

Blueberries can be an attractive and tasty addition to the home landscape.  They are a bit picky about their growing conditions and hardiness is a concern on the west side of Lake Michigan.  Provide blueberries with moist well-drained acidic soil.  You will need to help your mother prepare the planting site so she will have healthy productive plants.  You will probably need to order plants from a catalogue or on-line as most garden centers do not carry blueberry plants.  Northcountry is hardy and produces sweet berries in mid July.  Northblue are also hardy and have a very aromatic flavor while Northsky is more reminiscent of the wild blueberries.  All are self fruitful and do not need another plant for pollination and fruit produciton.


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