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Groundcovers for a Shady Slope

I have a shady slope under some trees where I can't get grass to grow.

The dense tree canopy prevents both light and moisture from reaching the soil and plants below. Add to this the competition for water and nutrients and you have a challenging situation. Try growing some drought and shade tolerant ground covers. Moneywort, deadnettle, wild ginger, some of the native sedges and variegated yellow archangel are a few plants that will tolerate these conditions. Consider leaving the dead grass in place to serve as a mulch. It will help hold the soil in place until the groundcovers become established. Mulch the plants with shredded bark to help conserve moisture and minimize weeds. You will need to water the first few season to help the plants quickly establish and develop drought tolerant root systems. But once established they should be able to tolerate these difficult conditions with minimal help from you. Plus you won't have to mow.


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