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Edges of Maple Leaves Turning Black

We have several maples where the edges of the leaves are turning black. Any ideas?

Brown leaf edges on maples and other trees are symptoms of scorch. This occurs when the tree loses water from its leaves faster than it can absorb it from the soil. Drought, windy conditions, and root damage or restrictions are often the cause. We can’t control the weather but proper mulching and watering during extended drought can help reduce the risk of scorch. Avoid over watering that can lead to root rot and eventually leads to scorch. Occasional scorch will not kill the tree. Ongoing problems, indicate other issues that need to be resolved to avoid decline or death of the plant. Anthracnose is a fungal disease that caused brown spots on the leaves. These usually cross over the veins and are not restricted to the leaf edges. Rake and destroy fallen leaves to reduce the source of infection in the future. A healthy tree can tolerate this disease.


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