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Are Old Seeds Still Good for Planting

Don’t discard those leftover seeds saved from last season. When properly stored, many seeds can last for years, saving you money for this year’s garden.

Use this quick and easy test to see if your seeds will still sprout and grow. Place 10 seeds on a damp paper towel. Roll up the towel with seeds inside, place in a plastic bag and store in a warm location.

After a week or so, unwrap the paper towel and check the seeds for sprouting. If nothing has happened, rewrap the seeds and wait a few more days.

If all the seeds have sprouted, you have 100% germination and can plant the seeds as recommended on the package. If only half the seeds sprout, for example, you will need to plant the seeds twice as close together to compensate for the lower germination rate. 

A bit more information: You can plant the sprouted seeds if space, growing conditions and time allows. If none of the seeds sprout, consider breaking out the glue and getting the family involved in turning these leftover seeds into seed art.