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Mulching Made Easy

Mulching new plantings helps conserve moisture and suppress weeds that compete for water and nutrients. But spreading mulch around small transplants can be a bit tedious. And if not done carefully, can end up damaging your plants. 

Make it easier with one of these two techniques.

Start by preparing the soil and removing existing weeds.  Cover the area with a 1- to 3-inch layer of mulch. The finer the material the thinner the mulch layer needed.

Set your plants in the desired location. Pull the mulch away from the spot, dig a hole, and plant. Then pull the mulch back in place being careful not to bury the plant stems.

Or plant your garden first, but don’t discard the pot.  Set these or other containers over the newly planted transplants and cover with mulch. Once the mulch is in place lift the containers off the plants.

A bit more information: Apply a 1” to 3” layer of mulch depending on the material used. Don’t pile mulch over the stems of flowers and shrubs or trunks of trees. This creates a moist dark environment that can lead to rot and girdling roots.


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