Green Roof Bird Feeder
Invite the birds into your landscape for added color, motion and interest while creating a focal point in one of your gardens. Plant a green roof bird feeder.
Green roofs on buildings are designed to reduce heating and cooling costs and storm water runoff. Now you may not be able to turn in your roofs shingles for a green roof but you can create a charming feeder for the birds.
Use long lasting cedar or a rot resistant plastic lumber to build the feeder. Add a metal liner for additional protection. With the addition of a border, the roof becomes a shallow planter. Provide drainage by drilling holes along the edges.
Fill it with a cacti and succulent or other well-drained potting mix. Pop in some sedum, hens and chicks and other drought tolerant plants. Water thoroughly and as needed throughout the growing season.
Add some birdseed and wait for your feathered friends to arrive.
A bit more information: Help keep the soil and plants in place by covering the soil with mesh or chicken wire. Cut out spaces for planting the succulents and gently water to help settle the soil. And dont neglect the birds or your green roof during winter. Water whenever the soil is thawed and dry. Move the green roof (it lifts easily off the base) into an unheated garage or other protected location during cold (below freezing) weather.
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