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Visit a Farmer’s Market and Plan Your Garden

Farmers Markets are on the rise as more and more of us are looking for locally grown fresh produce.  You may be surprised to find one or more popping up near your home. 

Get the most out of your visit with a little advance planning.

Check out the internet for a list of farmer’s markets in your area.  Confirm the dates and hours of operation.  Many include a list of vendors with links to their website and the week’s featured produce.

Gather those cloth bags used when buying groceries. It makes managing all the produce easier and you will reduce the number of plastic bags headed to recycling or the garbage. 

Take cash and lots of small bills.  This makes it easier for the farmer and speeds up shopping.  And you’ll have more time to visit every single booth.

Look for and try new and different vegetables.  It will help you plan future additions to your edible garden.

A bit more information: Eat first so you buy less or go hungry and plan on staying for a meal or snack.  Many markets serve coffee and pastries or tasty meals.  And take the whole family to enjoy this shopping experience. Many have kids’ activities and music for all to enjoy.

Upcoming Live Events
& Webinars

June 15, 2024
Tosa Community Fair

Ten Easy, Green and Growing Ideas
Wauwatosa, WI

August 1-11, 2024
Wisconsin State Fair

West Allis, WI


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