Mexican Mint or Cuban Oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus)
Add some fragrance to your indoor and outdoor gardens with Mexican mint also known as menthol plant or Cuban oregano.
This fast grower quickly reaches a height of 6 to 18 inches and a width of three feet. Grow it in containers, as a groundcover or in the herb or flower garden.
This member of the mint family thrives indoors in bright light with a bit of afternoon shade in hot sunny windows. Outdoors grow it in dappled shade with fertile well-drained soil.
The aromatic foliage provides a nice backdrop for the lilac-pink, mauve or white flowers that appear in summer.
Start new plants by dividing mature plants into smaller pieces or from stem cuttings. This is a great way to enjoy the plant indoors and out. Start cuttings several weeks before its time to move them outdoors. This plant is hardy in zones 9 to 11 and thrives in warm air and soil.
A bit more information: The fragrant menthol mint plant is a cousin to the long time favorite Swedish ivy (Plectranthus australis). This trailing houseplant is grown for its foliage. It also makes an attractive spiller (trailing plant) in container gardens.
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